5 Clever Ways to Keep Your Elders Safe From Medication Mix-Ups

January 21, 2022

Many elders live with dementia and other conditions that make it difficult for them to remember their medication. It can be a struggle to care for an elder, especially when you have so much on your plate as a caregiver.

However, there are some things you can do to help take care of your loved one and keep them safe from medication mix-ups!

You can use medication reminder devices to help your loved one remember their medications. One of our favorite ways to remind an elder about their pills is using a pillbox with alarms. The alarm will sound after the time that you set for them, so they don't forget!

For example, if your loved one takes several types of medication at different times during the day, you can set the alarm on the pillbox for each time they need to take their medication. It is a great way to keep them on track!

In this blog post, we will discuss five clever ways to keep your elders safe from medication mix-ups!

When to use a Medication Reminder?

  • If an elder has trouble remembering to take their medication at the correct time
  • When multiple medications need to be taken throughout the day
  • When there is a risk for medication mix-ups

How to use a Medication Reminder?

  • Set the alarm for each time you needs to take (or give) medication.
  • Place all of your loved one's medications in the pillbox with alarms.
  • Turn on the device and place it close to them so they can see when their medication is dispensing.

5 Ways to Keep Your Elders Safe From Medication Mix-Ups

medication reminder

Let's talk about how smart people make sure their parents and grandparents take their medicines on time.

Labels on Medication Bottles

Another great way to keep your elders safe from medication mix-ups is by using labels on their medication bottles. This can be especially helpful if they are taking multiple medications that look similar. You can also use a label maker to create custom labels for each of your loved one's medications!

  • Helps identify which medication is which
  • Prevents medication mix-ups
  • Creates a system for taking medications that is easy to follow

How to use Labels on Medication Bottles

  • Place a label on each of your loved one's medication bottles
  • Write down the name of the medication, dosage, and time you should take it on the label
  • Be sure to stick labels on both sides of the bottle, so they are easy to read!

Medication Containers

medication container

Another way you can keep your loved one safe from medication mix-ups is by keeping all their medications in a single container. Many different pill containers will work for this, but our favorite use small storage bins! This is a great way to keep all of your loved one's medications in one place and easy to find!

  • Keeps all medication in a single place
  • Easy to find and access
  • Comes in different sizes for different amounts of medication

How to use a Medication Container

  • Choose a medication container that is large enough to store all of your loved one's medications
  • Place all of your loved one's medications in the container
  • Store the container in an easy-to-access location

Medication Reminders on Smartphones

medication reminder app
Image Source: medication reminder app

If you don't want to use a physical medication reminder device, you can always install a medication reminder app on your loved one's phone! This is a great way to keep them safe from medication mix-ups and take their medications correctly.

You can choose which days of the week your loved one needs to take their medication and set the alarm. The app will send a push notification to remind them!

How to install a Medication Reminder app

  • Search the internet for "medication reminder apps" and select one that works best for your loved one's needs. Some examples are Pillboxie, My Medical Mobile App, or DailyMed Reminder!
  • Use pill reminder apps on smartphones
  • Set alarms for different days of the week so they don't forget
  • Does not need much time or effort from you or your elder!

Medication Reminder Device

Some people may have trouble remembering which medications need to be taken at the correct time. Others may have difficulty remembering what medication they are taking at all! Medication reminder devices can help with this and make sure your elder is getting the drugs that they need when they need them most.

medication reminder device
Image Source: Medcenter Talking Alarm Clock And Medication Reminder
  • Helps take care of older adults and makes sure their daily needs are met
  • Can be used to remind a person of any medication, not just pills
  • Available in many different forms to fit the needs of your loved one

How to use a Medication Reminder Device

  • Choose a medication reminder device that is best suited for your loved one's needs.
  • Set the alarm on the device for the time you want it to go off each day
  • Place the device in a location where your loved one will see it each day
  • Make sure to replace the batteries as needed!

Reminder Devices + Labels Together

You can also use a combination of all three types of reminders to keep your loved one safe from medication mix-ups! This may be the best option for some patients because it takes advantage of many different methods that will help them remember their medications.

  • Use a pillbox with alarms to remind them of when their medications need to be taken
  • Place labels on all of their medication bottles
  • Keep all of their medications in a single container for easy access

Using one or more of the methods listed above can help reduce the risk of an accident!

Keep your loved ones safe from medication mix-ups by using a combination of reminder devices and labels.

If you have any questions about using reminder devices and labels together, please don't hesitate to contact us! We would be happy to help you.

People Also Asked (FAQs)

How do you remind someone to take their medication?

There are a few different ways to remind someone of their medication! You can use reminder devices, labels on the bottles, or install an app on your loved one's phone. We have listed all three in this blog post and explained how they work with each other!

What are the main concerns with medications for the elderly?

Some of the main concerns with medications for older adults are medication mix-ups and forgetting to take their medications. This can lead to serious health problems down the line if not taken care of!

How do you remember names for medications?

It can be challenging to remember the names of all of your loved one's medications. You can use a medication reminder device or app to help keep track! This will make sure that they are taking their medications correctly and on time.

Do I need to monitor my elderly parent's medication?

No, you don't need to monitor your elderly parent's medication, but it is always a good idea to discuss with their doctor about what medications they are taking and why. It will help you be aware of any potential problems that could occur.

What is medication determination?

Medication determination is a process that helps you and your doctor decide which medication might be the best option for your loved one. It will ensure they are getting exactly what their body needs to get better!

How to Save Money on Prescriptions?

There are a few ways you can save money on prescriptions! You can ask your doctor if a generic medication could be prescribed, get the medicines through mail-order pharmacy, or see if the treatment is available at a lower cost through different pharmacies.

We hope this blog post has helped you learn more about how to keep your loved ones safe from medication mix-ups and blunders and has answered some of your FAQs! If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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